Shalom Horim/Dear Parents:
With the holidays now behind us (not counting Halloween*), we can get into a somewhat normal routine without major distractions.
In case you haven't already received it at the beginning of the school year, check out Temple's website under "Learning" for the school calendar. Please note when your child's class service is (class services begin in January and are usually the first Friday night of the month to coincide with Folk Services). They begin with a Pot Luck dinner at 5:30 sponsored by the host class.
This past week our Letter of the Week was Lamed, as in Lulav, which we shook on Sukkot.
ל as in:
Lulav, Night (Lailah), Lemon (Limon), Bread (Lechem)
Starting tomorrow, our Letter of the Week is Aleph.
Lastly, with all the events we've had at Temple involving food, A LOT of plates, containers, bags, baking pans, etc. have gotten left behind in the kitchen. Next time you're here, please check to see if maybe some are yours. Additionally, we've got quite a collection of water bottles piling up. Maybe one of those is yours too?
Best wishes for a sweet and Happy New Year,
Morah Judy
PS - if you know folks with young children, or you yourself have a child too young for school, please know that we have a monthly Tot Shabbat on the third Friday of the month and Story Hour on the first Sunday of the month. Next Story Hour is Nov. 3 at 10 am and Tot Shabbat is Nov. 15 at 5:30 pm.
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