Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Note the time of school services and dinner

Shalom Horim/Dear Parents:

Beginning in January will be our Friday night class services, one each month. Due to the now later hour of the service, 6:30, it makes greater sense to have the dinner prior to the service. Please note all dinners will begin at 5:30 followed by the service at 6:30.

Our first service is January 11, being co-led by our Kitah 6/7. Our Feb. service is on the 1st, led by our Kitah 4/5, and it is a Folk Service, as are all the following services (the Jan. service is not a Folk Service).
March 8th is our Kitah 2/3 service, and April 5th is our Kitah Gan/1 service.

Our December Saturday morning service was a great success. It was wonderful to see so many of you in attendance. Remember, we have another school service on March 16 at 9:30. For this service, in addition to student participation, we would also like parent participation. Take a look through the Saturday morning service and let me know if there are any prayers you and your child would like to co-lead. Additionally, let me know if any of you would like to chant Torah or Haftarah. Think about it and if I don't hear back from any of you, I'll be doing some asking after the New Year. It's a great way to model for your child that the service is not just for children. BTW, you can choose to read any of the prayers in Hebrew or English and we also encourage participation of non-Jewish parental units.

Before signing off, a special thanks to all of you who contributed to the Toy Drive. We sent two large boxes of toys, games, books, art materials, stuffed animals, etc. out to California. Also, a special todah rabbah to Kitah 4/5 for their successful bake sale, raising over $80 in one night to send to HIAS. Kol Hakavod!!

Reminder, no class next week for winter break. See you tomorrow!

Morah Judy

Monday, December 10, 2018

Important Events the week of December 10, 2018

Shalom Horim/Dear Parents:

Yesterday at the annual meeting two parents came up to me thinking the school service was this Friday night. Let me clarify:

The School Service is this Saturday, December 15. (We have one other Saturday service, March 16).

This service should not be confused with the Friday night Grade/Class services, which are all noted on the calendar.

The Saturday services will have all the students participating in a small portion of the service. It is an opportunity for you and your child to see what a Saturday morning service is like at Temple Sinai with Rabbi Edleson.

The service begins at 9:30 a.m.

Other important news

Burst Pipe
This Sunday there was a burst pipe and it affected the men's bathroom in the school as well as some of Classroom #1. I don't yet know what things will look like on Thursday, but we do have two independent bathrooms in the Social Hall so bathroom use should not be a problem.

Bake Sale
Following the tragic events at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Morah Shelli's class decided to use their class tzedakah collection to send to HIAS. They also want to raise additional funds and are holding a bake sale this Thursday. Items will be in the $.25-1.00 range, baked by the students in Kitah 4-5, and will be on sale before, during and after school. So please send your child in with a few extra farthings for this.

Toy Collection
We are collecting new, unwrapped toys, books, and cards [written by you and your children], to send to the families in Paradise CA to offer some holiday cheer under very trying circumstances. You can send it in with your child on Thursday to school, or bring it Saturday to the service. I will be mailing the gifts on Monday so Saturday is the cut-off date to bring the items.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Shalom u'vracha,
Morah Judy