Just a quick note to remind you of some short term and long term upcoming events here at school and Temple.
This Friday, 3/15, at 5:30 there is a Tot Shabbat (also a regular service at 6:30). If you have little ones you'd like to bring, now is a great time to have them attend a fun, engaging service.
Saturday, 3/16, at 10:00 our entire school is having a service, with Torah reading.

Sat. 3/23 is our adult Purim spiel, Shushan Rhapsody:The Megillah According to Queen, followed by noshing, dancing, and a fun time to be had by all.
April 5 - Folk service led by our K-1 students
April 5-7 JCVT Summit in Killington.
May 3 - Teacher Appreciation Shabbat
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