With the holidays about to be behind us, (we do have Simchat Torah / Consecration services this Sunday at 7:00 p.m.) I thought now would be a great time to go over some of our school and Temple practices which some of you may or may not know.
Each week when students come we ask that they bring either money or food for TzedakahShabbat Services:
In order to best learn to prayers for services, service attendance is suggested. It is also a wonderful time for your family to have some spiritual time together.Students in grades K-3 have a service attendance requirement of four times per year.
Students in grades 4-6 have a service attendance requirement of eight times per year.
Students in grade 7 or the year preceding their Bar/Bat Mitzvah have a service attendance requirement of 16 times per year.
We have a loose-leaf notebook in the black desk in the lobby. Your child may sign in each time s/he attends a SHABBAT service.
Youth Service
This year the Youth Service has been combined with the Folk Service. We encourage our youths to attend these family-friendly services. Starting in January, each of the school classes with lead one of the Folk Services, along with our Folk Service leaders, and the families and Temple committees will work together to plan an international congregational dinner for afterwards.CHAI SCHOOL starts October 8th. All students in grades 8-12 are eligible. Lots of fun courses for everyone.
Parent Group/B'Yachad
Did you know there's a new parent group meeting at Temple every two weeks? These groups are being led by the Education Advisory Board, Patty Greenfield, Jan Orlansky and Deb Laskarzewski, and discussing topics of parental interest, Jewish interest, child-rearing and all sorts of other current issues affecting Jewish families. Please feel free to join any time.The Religious School has also purchased a Keurig Coffee Maker in the lobby so next time you're here, stay a while, have a cup of coffee or tea, relax, schmooze with other parents or just hang out and chat with me, Michael or Rabbi.
Catch-up School
Beginning Sunday, October 18 I will be holding Sunday morning catch-up school for students needing help in Hebrew.Adult Education Beginning Hebrew Reading
If you've wanted to learn to read Hebrew but afraid it's too hard, think again. You'll be reading before you leave the first session. Thursday evenings from 7-8:30, beginning October 22nd.That's enough for now. Have a wonderful fall and enjoy the beauteous nature God has set out for us in this corner of the world.
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