Tuesday, May 29, 2012


On May 12th we celebrated Teacher Appreciation Shabbat.  And while we appreciate all our teachers, we paid a special tribute to Barbara Sklar, who is retiring from our Religious School after 46 years of teaching.  I received this thank-you card from Barb and I'd like to share it with all of you:

Dear Parents and Students,

Thank you so much for the wonderful teacher appreciation Shabbat service we recetlycelebrated.  I loved the two songs the seventh graders wrote and sung in my honor.  At this service I was presented with a beautiful piece of art work that is already hanging in my living room.
Artwork we gave Morah Sklar to which you all contributed

I have enjoyed working in our Religious School teaching a variety of Hebrew and secular subjects plus tutoring students for their Bar and Bat Mitzvah since Temple was founded in 1966.  I plan to sub in our Religious School when I am available.

Again, I think you for all your support over my many years of teaching at Temple.  

Todah Rabbah (Many Thanks),
(Morah) Barbara Sklar

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

End of School Year Does Not Mean End of Activities at Temple

Friday, May 4th Folk Service 5:30*
Saturday, May 5th, Bat Mitzvah of Rachel Norotsky, 10 a.m.
Sunday, May 6th, The Wholesale Klezmer Band in concert from 6:30-9:00

Wednesday, May 9th, the entire Jewish community is invited to celebrate Lag B’Omer at Oakledge Park from 4:30-Dusk; dinner will be served.

May 12th – Teacher Appreciation Shabbat and last official day of Religious School

May 19th Aleinu  at the home of Louise Stoll and Marc Monheimer. For those of you not familiar with our Aleinu series, we gather in a member’s home on a Saturday evening, do Havdallah, have some drinks and dessert, and have a guest speaker on an interesting Jewish topic. On May 19th I’m happy to say we have Temple member, Shelagh Shapiro, who hosts a radio show and podcast called “Write the Book” in which she interview authors, poets, literary agents and others involved in the field of literature. Shelagh herself is a published author. I’m sure it will be a most fascinating evening. 

1 special concert coming up on 2 dates:
Sunday, May 20, 2012, 4:00 PM: Temple Sinai, 500 Swift Street, South Burlington
Sunday, June 3, 2012, 4:00 PM:  Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, 188 N. Prospect Street, Burlington
Open My Lips:  Sacred Music from 1600 to Today
Choral music by Salamone Rossi, Michael Praetorius, Louis Lewandowski, Bruce Chalmer, and Don Jamison, performed by the Rossi Festival Singers and the Burlington Jewish Community Choir, directed by Bruce Chalmer.

Next time you’re in Temple, stop by the Art Exhibit outside the 7th Grade classroom and see what the students have created as part of their Holocaust studies unit.

Events for Jewish teens:  Check out the YJ website: http://sites.google.com/site/youngjudaeavermont/bogrim

*June - Don't forget that all Friday night services move to 6:00, summer time.

Bnai Mitzvot: (All services begin at 10 a.m.)

2nd - Drew Coel
9th - Gabe Katz
16th - Colby Chatoff
30th - Eva Edwards-Stoll