Shalom Chaveirim/Dear Friends:
I hope you're all enjoying your summer and that our children are thriving in the fresh air and sunshine, getting lots of outdoor time.
I'd like to give you a little information about some Religious School dates and such.
First Day of School: Thursday, Sept. 12 - Registration now open, see weekly email. Please note, due to some curricular changes, we are moving up the start time of school to 3:45. More information later.
Open House: Saturday, Sept. 7 at 6:00pm - a BBQ with Havdallah and 'getting to know you' time. We'll supply the fixings for 'Smores.
This Saturday: August 17 at 9:30 Shabbat service with short Torah reading and baby naming (actually, two children will be named).
Class parents: I'm looking for one (or two) parents to help with this. The role of the class parent is helping to coordinate the dinner for class services; if you would like to do something for the teacher, planning that; helping when you can.
The way things are shaping up, looks like we have a 1-2 grade; 3 grade; 4-5 grade; 6 grade. If we get a few more students, we will have a Kindergarten. Talk to your friends with 5 year-olds. Tell them to join!
We are planning a once-a-month Story Hour on Sundays and Tot Shabbat on Fridays for our littlest ones. Spread the word.
Several years ago, Temple Sinai voted to do away with Religious School tuition*, [other than the book/material fee] feeling it was incumbent upon the congregation to contribute to the education of all our members. The hope was that we would make up the loss in tuition through donations and fundraising. This has not happened. If you are able to, please contribute a little extra when you register your child(ren).
Thank you so much and please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Morah Judy
*At that time, tuition was about $550/per child. We are not asking you to give that amount per child, just whatever you can that will help with the lost revenue from this stream.