And on July 7th, Rabbi Edleson is leading a Havdallah service outdoors, around our new fire pit. You come, we supply the 'Smores!
I'd like to share with you some other dates coming up.
August 10th we are holding a very special Rock Shabbat to say good bye to our students who are going off to college, whether for the first time or returning. So if you have a student heading to college, please bring them to this special service.
September 7th is a welcome back to school service for our students in Religious School. Additionally, it is Pride Week in Vermont so we'll be having some special music to reflect our returning students and our friends in the LGBTQAI community. Following the service, our Brothers in the 'Hood are making a BBQ for everyone.
September 13th is the first day of school for everyone!
Services all summer are at 6:00. Please note, that there is a pre-oneg, or a preneg, at 5:30 before all the services. There will be an oneg following the services only on special, listed weeks, such as July 6th, which is Rabbi Edleson's first Shabbat.
Have a wonderful kayyitz/summer,
Morah Judy