26 September, 2017/6Tishrei 5778
Shalom Mishpachot/Dear Families:
October 5, we are having our first MISHPACHA of the year, a
parent/child family education program, centering around the holiday of Sukkot. For
grades K-2, it is from 4:00-5:00. For grades
3-7, it is from 5:00-6:00, and we do need an RSVP for these older grades (if
you already RSVPed, you do not need to again; you 3 know who you are). Morah Saragail
is leading this wonderful program.
The following week,
October 12, is our Consecration/Simchat
Torah service and dinner, during school hours, from 4-6:ish. This is for
everyone as we welcome our newest students into the school. Please let me know
if your child did not get a mini-Torah (little kids) or a prayer book (older
kids) last year. We also celebrate the completion and beginning of the Torah
reading cycle. Additionally students in grades 3+ will receive a $200 gift
certificate towards their first overnight summer at a URJ camp.
For the dinner following the service on Oct. 12, we ask
that families in
- grades K-4 bring a main dish
- grades 5-6 bring a salad
- grade 7 bring dessert and beverage.
Weekend of Oct 6-7-8: Sukkot on the Farm from the LivingTree Alliance. Those of you who have participated in their programs in the past
know how much fun they are while celebrating outdoors with Jewish families from
all over the state of Vermont. Note, they have moved from their farm in Monkton
to Moretown. So many wonderful events during the weekend, come for
Shabbat and stay all weekend or come to any of the activities during the
weekend. BTW, at 2:00 on Sunday our own
Saragail is leading a community drum circle!
Do you shop at Price Chopper? If you’re not already enrolled
in their Tools for Schools program, please do. You will need your Advantage Card
#. You can register at their Customer Service counter or online: https://www.pricechopper.com/tools-schools.
You will need our school code: 39618. We earn points toward school supplies
every year through the purchases you make.
One last thing, no one from 7th grade has signed
up for snack this week. Only two families have signed up so far, so please
check your child’s classroom door next time you’re in the building.
See you this Thursday.
Ktivah v’Chatimah Tovah/May you be inscribed and sealed for a
good year (a traditional greeting between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur),
Morah Judy