Monday, January 27, 2014

Soon There Will Be No More Survivors

Watch this presentation: We say people must remember the Holocaust in the future, but we’re ignoring its victims today.

By Matthew Fishbane for Tablet Magazine

Frances Irwin is 90 years old. She was born in Poland and lives in Brooklyn. She is a Holocaust survivor.

Frances is lonely, even though her son takes care of her. She collects used aluminum foil in a kitchen piled high with paper plates. She relies on an emergency wristband to call for help. When you ask her to, she is able to vividly recall the worst of her World War II experience. She displays a mix of shame and trepidation when deciding whether to roll up her sleeve and show the world her forearm, tattooed at Auschwitz.

The truth is that Frances, like all Holocaust survivors, is old. Like many survivors, she’s dependent on Jewish and social welfare. She’s not living as well as she deserves to live. One day, not long from now, Frances and the others like her will die. Then there will be no more Holocaust survivors left.

Continue reading and to watch video.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tu Bishvat Quiz

Tu Bishvat, the New Year for the Trees, is coming up on January 16th.  How much do you know about this holiday?  Take the quiz and find out.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Eating Habits

This Blog comes courtesy of NJOP Jewish Treats.  Read more about the medicinal effects of garlic.

The festivities of New Year's celebration are now over. Those who made resolutions for the New Year are, perhaps, wondering just how they will fulfill them. For those who have made the ever-popular resolution of eating healthier in the year to come, Jewish Treats offers some fascinating Talmudic tidbits on eating habits. While some of these may seem obvious and others obscure, it is interesting to note that the sages of the Talmud felt these points to be important enough to record.

Don't Talk with Your Mouth Full: "One should not talk while eating, lest the windpipe [receive the food] before the gullet and endanger one's life" (Taanit 5b).

Eat Slowly: Of the three things that Rab Judah noted as prolonging a person's days (life), one is "the drawing out of a meal" (Berachot 54b).

Eat Your Vegetables: Rabbi Huna said: No scholar should dwell in a town where vegetables are unobtainable" (Eiruvin 55b).

Eat Breakfast: One of the seven pieces of advice that Rabbi Akiva gave to his son Rabbi Joshua was "Arise early and eat: in summer on account of the sun [i.e., heat] and in winter on account of the cold" (Pesachim 112a).

Don't Eat Rich Foods: "Do not eat geese and fowls lest your heart pursue you" (Peaschim 114a). While this verse could be understood as a warning against gluttony, one could also understand it as a warning that rich foods can effect the heart.

Don't Be A Glutton: "It has been inferred that if a person consumes such a quantity (the approximate volume of 43 eggs) of food [in a day] he is sound in body and happy in mind. He who consumes a greater quantity is a glutton, and he who consumes less suffers from bad digestion" (Eiruvin 83b).