I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer.
By now you've probably read the Rabbi's blog and received a letter from the Temple outlining our new no-tuition policy for Religious School. I am so thrilled that our
Each month starting in October we will have:
A Saturday Morning Tot Shabbat at 10:00 geared for infants-5 year olds
A Friday Evening Youth Service at 5:30 geared for ages 5-10
A Sunday Morning Story Hour at 10:00 geared for 2-5 year olds
change you will see this coming year is a move to have all classes of Religious School
on Thursday -- that’s all grades, Ganeinu through Chai School .
We appreciate all who responded to the survey, your voices were heard and
the Education Committee made the changes.
Stacie is sending out a link to a Registration Form. We do
need you to fill this out for each student (except Chai School )
who will be enrolled this year. This
will enable us to know how many teachers to hire, books to order, etc. We ask that you have registration into us by August 15th.
I’m very excited about these changes. If you would like to join the Education Committee, please let me know. New voices always provide new ideas and energy.
Have a great summer and stay
tuned for more information on the start of the coming school year, we have
something very special planned for September 26th.
Judy Alexander
Director of Congregational