Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Updated Upcoming Events

Note, School is on vacation this week.  Torah Study is at the home of Bev Bettmann; 7 Aspen Drive

1.  May 3rd – Folk Service and Teacher Appreciation Shabbat; dinner afterwards sponsored by Membership and Marketing Committee
2.    May 5th – Newtown, CT memorial service; for information on attending or making a donation see:
3.    May 5th – 1-4 p.m. Young Judaea Teens – Lasar Tag
4.     May 8th – Communitywide Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day celebration at Oak Ledge Park (rain location, Temple Sinai); 4:30-7.  Activities & BBQ, EVERYONE invited. Last day of school for grades K-5
5.    May 9th – last day of school for grades 6 & 7
6.   May 11th – Bat Mitzvah Renee Dauerman
7.   May 14th – Shavuot/Confirmation services 7:30 p.m. Please join us as we confirm 5 of our Chai School students
8.  May 18th - Bat Mitzvah Bella Firman
9.   June 1st  & 2nd – Kallah/Retreat for 6th Grade
10.  June 15 – Bar Mitzvah Cooper Birdsall
11.   June 29 - Bat Mitzvah Amy Laskarzewski

Note:  In June Friday night services go on summer time and begin at 6:00 p.m.

Other ongoing:

Cooper Birdsall needs your help for his Bar Mitzvah project:

Have you started your ChaverWeb account?  You should.  It will make things so much easier for you at Temple Sinai.  Need help?  Call Stacie.  862-5125

Friday night oneg sign up:

Discounted passes to ECHO Science Center – see or call Stacie

Help raise money for Temple Sinai when you order products from Amazon by signing in through the Temple Sinai website-Amazon link.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Upcoming Events

1.     April 5th5:30 Folk Service
2.     April 6thBat Mitzvah Marissa Needleman
3.     April 7th – community ceremony for Holocaust Memorial Day; 2:00 pm at OZ (Ohavi Zedek Synagogue; 188 North Prospect St.)
4.     April 9 – 7 pm here at Temple: The Humanitarian Crisis in North Korea: A Documentary Film and presentation.
5.     April 12th – 5:30 Tot Shabbat with a special dinner afterwards by our Brotherhood.  I understand they have quite the feast in mind so come and let them know what you think.
6.     April 13thBat Mitzvah Holly Issenberg
7.     April 14th – Sisterhood Mah Jongg Marathon – 9:30 a.m., everyone welcome
8.     April 14th – Young Judaea Teens Ice Skating at Cairns 1-4 p.m.
9.     April 18th – Screening of documentary with discussion:  Losing Our Sons, geared toward teens and adults about the growing presence of fundamentalist Islam in the U.S. and the devastating effects on families and society.  At UVM Billings North Lounge. 7-9 p.m.
10.    April 21-28 – School vacation
11.  May 3rdFolk Service and Teacher Appreciation Shabbat; dinner afterwards sponsored by Membership and Marketing Committee
12.    May 5th – Newtown, CT memorial service; for information on attending or making a donation see:
13.    May 5th – 1-4 p.m. Young Judaea Teens – Lasar Tag
14.     May 8thCommunitywide Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day celebration at Oak Ledge Park (rain location, Temple Sinai); 4:30-7.  Activities & BBQ, EVERYONE invited. Last day of school for grades K-5
15.    May 9thlast day of school for grades 6 & 7
16.   May 11thBat Mitzvah Renee Dauerman
17.   May 14thShavuot/Confirmation services 7:30 p.m. Please join us as we confirm 5 of our Chai School students
18.  May 18th - Bat Mitzvah Bella Firman
19.   June 1st  & 2nd – Kallah/Retreat for 6th Grade
20.  June 15 – Bar Mitzvah Cooper Birdsall
21.   June 29 - Bat Mitzvah Amy Laskarzewski
Note:  In June Friday night services go on summer time and begin at 6:00 p.m.

Other ongoing:

Cooper Birdsall needs your help for his Bar Mitzvah project:

Have you started your ChaverWeb account?  You should.  It will make things so much easier for you at Temple Sinai.  Need help?  Call Stacie.  862-5125

Friday night oneg sign up:

Discounted passes to ECHO Science Center – see or call Stacie

Help raise money for Temple Sinai when you order products from Amazon by signing in through the Temple Sinai website-Amazon link.